Friday, 20 January 2012


Romantic comedy films (abbreviated as rom coms or romcoms) are films with light-hearted, humorous plotlines, centered on romantic ideals...

1.     What’s your favourite rom-com of all time?

2.     In a rom-com you’ve seen who’s the best male character

3.     In  a rom-com you’ve seen who’s the best female character
4.     Ideally what certificate should a rom-com be?

5.     What colours would you associate with a title sequence of a rom-com and why?
6.     What music would be most effective in a rom-com

7.       What would be the best setting for a rom-com?
8.     How influential should the supporting actors be?

9.     What is more important in a rom-com the comedy side or the love story?
10.  What’s the stereotypical look of the two main characters in a rom-com? 

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