Friday, 3 February 2012


Our chosen idea for our film: Something For The Weekend

We have chosen to do a Romantic Comedy. This Romantic Comedy contains 4 characters, 2 main characters, and 2 major characters. Character 1, is a major character and he will be Bug, played by Jack Wilkes-Jones, we have chosen to call Jack, Bug, because he is a clingy character and when an insect flies around you, it tends to keep on coming back as many times as you try and make it go away. Character 2 is a main character and he will be called, Harry, played by Ryan O'Leary. We have chosen Harry as the name because it sounds more sophisticated and upper class, it also has a connotation with Prince Harry. Character 3 is a major character and she will be called Tina, played by Charlie Brookes. We have named her character Tina because it is a stereotypical common girls name showing she is lower in class. Character 4 is a main character and she will be called Kate, played by Jasmine Hammond. We have named her character Kate as it shows her higher class and sophistacation and it also has a connotation with Kate Middleton married to Prince William.
Our opening of our film will begin with the girls getting ready for a night out and the boys getting ready for a night out, in different houses and they have not seen each other for years. It will be a split screen of the characters getting ready and for the boys the titles will show up in blue, showing a connotation of a stereotypical boy colour, and for the girls it will show up in pink. There will be music playing on the radio and by having a shot one of the characters turning on the radio and then turning it off, the music will become diegetic, as the characters in the scene will be able to hear it. After leaving the houses, they all travel to Tamworth, Bug forgets his money which annoys Harry so they end up having an argument and Ryan ends up paying for him.  The boys will be together and so will the girls. They bump into each other at the train station and realise they know each other from school. Significantly Harry and Kate always had a crush on each other in school and Bug and Tina have always hated each other. Harry and Kate think it will be a great idea to all go out together and spend the night together, whereas Bug and Tina do not want to do this as they thought when they had left school they had finally got rid of each other. Tina has a word with Kate and Bug has a word with Harry. Both of them end up convincing Bug and Tina to go and they walk off together into the distance and there is a voice over of Bugs voice, he says, "Im not buying any drinks!" Harry responds "you haven't bought your wallet anyway  you sloth!" there is then a split screen of Bug and Sid the sloth off the ice age looking at each other, and that is the end of our opening sequence of 'Something For The Weekend.'

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