Friday, 16 March 2012

Mise en scene:

Location: Tamworth

Setting: A house in Wiggington

Lighting: Natural lighting

Harry; comfortable clothes, cropped joggers and a jumper.
Bug; comfortable clothes, shorts and a checkered shirt, looks untidy and messy to suit his character.
Kate; comfortable clothes (as if she has just got out of bed) vest top and leggings.
Tina; comfortable clothes, vest top, joggers.

Towel - used to show that he has just washed his face.
Straighteners - to show that she is getting ready.
Condom - to show what the night ahead will bring.

Body language:
Harry - He gets up and stretches showing he is lethargic. He pulls a face which shows disgust when he walks in the toilet and sees bug, this shows he is fed up of him, but when he begins his dialogue he seems happy and excited about the night ahead. He also washes his face which shows he is a clean guy in contrast to bug who is on the toilet.
Bug - Bug is on the toilet throughout the first scene, this shows he is of a lower class than Harry. His facial expression when Harry walks in the toilet show he is embarrassed and confused to why Harry has continued his morning routine whilst Bug is on the toilet.
Kate - Kate enters the opening sequence by walking up the stairs, her facial expressions do not show too much enthusiasm because she has just woken up, although her dialogue indicates that she is excited and cannot wait for the night ahead of her.
Tina - Tina is sitting down throughout the first scene which shows her laid back approach to life. She has her make up all complete by the time Kate has only just started doing her hair which suits her character, also by having false eye lashes on indicates that she isn't as natural as Kate and we have taken their appearance into consideration so the contrast between both characters is clear.


We chose a date to begin our filming which was Wednesday 15th February 2012,  we went to our chosen setting and we thought that the space in which we filmed was suitable to fit our genre because where the boys were being filmed you could see that the room that Harry walked out of was blue and they were also filmed in a toilet, with the character, bug, being filmed on the toilet which shows that his lifestyle is laid back and there is no airs and graces with his mannerisms. We filmed the girls in a typical girls room with a dressing table, both looking into the mirror and doing their hair which is stereotypically what girls do. The costumes we chose for each character were chosen deliberately so that it was clear to the audience that they had just woken up and had began to get ready. We used natural lighting because we filmed our footage in the day time so therefore we did not need it to be artificial. The props were used to suit each character, the towel that Harry used was to show his cleanliness and that he was sophisticated. We chose a condom for Bug to show he is lack of maturity and that he has a mind of a young teenager still and he always thinking about one thing. For Kate we chose straighteners to show her femininity and to show she cares about her appearance.

Camera angles:

Our opening sequence began with a long shot of Harry, we used this shot to introduce one of our main characters but also to set the scene so that the audience knows where it is taking place. It then changes to a medium shot which merges into a medium long shot when he is walking towards the bathroom. There is then a high angle shot of Kate walking up the stairs. Although this shot is often used to show that a character is submissive we did not use it in that context. Kate then walks into the bedroom where Tina is sitting. There is a medium shot of her as she walks in to the room which then merges into a medium long shot as she is walking over to sit down. You are able to see the style in which she is walking, she flicks her hair and her hips are noticeable as they sway side to side showing her femininity. There is then a two shot of Harry and Bug where bug is sitting on the toilet and Harry is washing his face. We have used a two shot to show Bugs facial expressions and that he doesn't want Harry to be in the room, but Harry just carries on as normal. We did this to create comedy. There is then a two shot, which is a close up of Kate and Tina they are in the mirror doing their hair which is stereotypically what girls do in the morning we did this so you could see the contrast between the girls getting ready scene and the boys getting ready scene. There is then an over the shoulder shot of Ryan in the mirror getting ready, we used this shot of him washing to show his cleanliness and the contrast in appearance between him and Bug. There is then another over the shoulder shot of Kate and Tina over Kate's shoulder, Kate is shown more in this shot because it is her dialogue and to how the importance and the social class of the two characters. There is then a high angle shot of Bug to show he is submissive and he feels uncomfortable with Harry being in the same room as him. We also did this for comedy as his facial expressions and body language show awkwardness. The camera angles of Kate and Tina are consistent throughout the end of the scene whereas the shots between Harry and Bug vary. Further on in the sequin Bug stands up off of the toilet and there is a tilt to adapt to his height, it is a low angle shot which shows he is more powerful and is no longer feeling awkward and uncomfortable. His dialogue also indicates that he is not afraid to speak up.

Filming process:

We began our filming with the girls section of the scene. We recorded each line of the script separately to make sure we got everything correct and we found it less time consuming as it reduced mistakes although we did have to recapture some of our footage when it was not quite right. We then went on to recording Kate's entrance to the opening sequence. She walks up the stairs and into the bedroom where Tina is sitting, there is another camera angle showing her walking over to sit down, her entrance consists of three camera angles. We then went on to recording the boys section. We started with Bug (Jack Wilkes-Jones) we decided it would be easier to start with Bugs section because the comedy aspect of our Romantic Comedy comes directly from him so we knew it would be more time consuming and difficult to record and we had to make sure the right body language and facial expressions were used with no giggling involved. Finally we recorded Harrys section of the scene. With Ryan having acting experience it was much easier to record as he stayed focussed and kept in character throughout the time he was being filmed. We did not have to record his more than once.

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