Wednesday, 18 April 2012


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

You only have to look at our titles to see that our media product uses the conventions of a romantic comedy film. We have gender colored our titles, using blue titles for the male actors as it's a color that is mostly associated with boys and pink for the female actors as pink represents femininity and both are often prime colors in rom-coms for example 'The Breakup'.

The music in which we have used in our film again uses the conventions of a romantic comedy as it is an actual pop song. It suits a film not only because of the buoyant tune and theme throughout but also the title of the song is the same as the title of our film 'Something For The Weekend'.

Our casting and storyline also stick to romantic comedy conventions as it is a boy meets girl storyline, we have not tried to challenge the convention by having a same sex love interest. With having the love interest as being male and female we have also casted the two main characters to be portrayed as easy on the eye and successful. The significance of this casting being that often most romantic comedies are based upon women’s fantasies of the ‘perfect relationship’ and so we are staying true to the romantic comedy criteria.

With the main characters bringing the romantic element to the film, the major characters bring the comedy aspect to the film. By having looks and success in contrast to the main characters our major characters bring laughter and disaster to the film.
We challenge the convention of a romantic comedy in two ways, one being the opening scene is a preparation for a night out and is not a grand stylish opening compared to traditional romantic comedy films such as ‘how to lose a guy in 10 days’ .
Also unlike most romantic comedy the main female character is not blonde in our film, challenging the convention, the reason for this is we did not just want the stereotypical ‘blonde bimbo’ in our film we wanted to represent the modern woman with a great career ahead of her and not just type cast to one certain hair color.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Something for the weekend’ represents particular social groups as all the characters in the film are teenagers. We show the difference in male and female teens in our film through the maturity of the humour in the different dialogues as stereotypically girls mature at an earlier and faster rate than boys and our comedy aspects in the film represent this.

In our representation of social groups we have been fairly conventional. The two boys are both straight and are going out on a night out to pull girls which is a stereotypical storyline that most teenage boys can relate to for a weekend activity. Same as the girls, the fact that they are doing their make up in the opening scene suggests that teenage girls take care in their appearance, however we represent two different social groups between the two girls, as Kate the main character has higher morals than Tina in the film who is of a lower class to her, opening up the theory do people of a higher class have higher morals than people in a lower class?

Like the contrast of class between the two girls in the film, we also have this in our film for the two boys. Harry’s dialogue is a lot more polite and sophisticated to that of the lower class Bug again posing a question, Do people of a higher class have more decorum then those of a lower class?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The film studio which would most likely distribute our film would be Working Title Films due to their history of distributing previous romantic comedies.

As our film stays true to majority of the romantic comedy conventions, I feel  Working Title Films would enjoy and therefore distribute our movie. Researching into romantic comedies that they have produced in the past I feel ‘Something For The Weekend’ is very similar to them and therefore they would favour our film and distribute it.

As for our film, I feel it is neither a big budget it venture nor a smaller independent film. Due to the fact there are no special effects needed in our film, or high speed car chases present in it, unlike an action movie a big budget is not needed however I do not feel as if it is a smaller independent film as because of the potential of the storyline with the right funding this film can make big waves in the romantic comedy market, waves that Working Title Films cannot afford to lose out on.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

As the certificate for our film is a 12 the audience for our film would be young adults and upwards. This is due to the audience being able to relate to our film or not, for example a 9 year old would not be able to relate to a 19 year old boy falling in love with a girl from his English class, nor would it be remotely interested. Another factor for our audience to be 12+ is the content of the film, the humour has a very much sexualised tone to it which would not be suitable for children to watch.

We understand that traditionally women tend to watch romantic comedies more than men so we have added factors that would attract women to watch our film for example having a tall dark male to play the main character, as research suggests this is what most women look for in a guy. Also the romantic story line that features in the film will attract our women audience as a love story is what they enjoy the most in a film, however we still have the comedy aspect in their to attract the male audience.
How did you attract/address your audience?

As I already stated previously, we used different ways to attract our audience taking everything in to account. Our main focus was attracting the female audience as romantic comedies tend to be more ‘girly’ orientated as that’s the most popular market for them.

So to attract the female audience, as previously stated, we casted a tall dark male as the main character as that is a major romantic comedy convention and we intended to stick to this. We also took the romantic story line into account as that was a crucial element to attract a female audience, so the script, camera angles, acting and background music were the key ingredients to develop romance.

But we didn’t want to put all our eggs in one basket and so to attract a male audience was important to us even if it is the minority of our target audience. So to attract the men to watch our film we used the comedy elements in the film, especially with the scenes involving the lads in our film there was a strong focus on ‘boyish’ humour and banter between characters so male viewers could relate to it and enjoy watching it.

Marketing wise we were a lot more traditional than most film production companies in the 21st century, we created posters  to be put on billboards and around cinema venues and even had a trailer in the cinemas so before big movies that people watched our film would be advertised and hopefully they would come and see our film. Viral marketing was very limited for our film, however we had trailers that were available online such as YouTube and VEVO .  
The main advertising technique that we relied on though was word of mouth, as we feel if people are talking about it then they will come and watch our film.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Over the period of time in which I have made my short film, I have learnt various new things about technologies.
Just on the blog alone I have learnt how to import pictures and videos on to it. 
Then in filming my film I have learnt how to use the Sony HD camera, learning various camera angles to make my film more effective and then learning how to transfer for my footage from the camera on to the Mac's. Other equipment I used in the filming process was the tripod so our filming could be as steady as possible.
In the editing process I have learnt how to use the software Adobe Premier, so my film can be edited in to the finished article. I learnt how to import music and other files, so they can be in my movie. I also learnt how to use all the different effects on Adobe such as dissolves and fades so my film can flow or the effect can represent a passing of time resulting in it to look as professional as possible. 

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The preliminary task, I felt was like a taster to introduce us to filming. We learnt valuable rules and techniques like the 180 degree rule and match on action shot in which we have used in our film.
It also introduced us to the technological software such as the Sony HD cameras, tripods and then the editing software on the Mac Computers, such as Adobe and Garageband. The preliminary task gave us the valuable experience we needed to film our movie.
Since then though we have improved and gained more comfortable in using these devices and therefore our movie has a lot more camera angles, effects and overall professionalism. 
Our choice of music since the preliminary task has got better, as we now understand what type of music suits a certain genre of film.

Monday, 19 March 2012


We have used 'The Divine Comedy - Something for the weekend' because the song is about a young man who is going out for the weekend which embodies our protagonist in our film.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Mise en scene:

Location: Tamworth

Setting: A house in Wiggington

Lighting: Natural lighting

Harry; comfortable clothes, cropped joggers and a jumper.
Bug; comfortable clothes, shorts and a checkered shirt, looks untidy and messy to suit his character.
Kate; comfortable clothes (as if she has just got out of bed) vest top and leggings.
Tina; comfortable clothes, vest top, joggers.

Towel - used to show that he has just washed his face.
Straighteners - to show that she is getting ready.
Condom - to show what the night ahead will bring.

Body language:
Harry - He gets up and stretches showing he is lethargic. He pulls a face which shows disgust when he walks in the toilet and sees bug, this shows he is fed up of him, but when he begins his dialogue he seems happy and excited about the night ahead. He also washes his face which shows he is a clean guy in contrast to bug who is on the toilet.
Bug - Bug is on the toilet throughout the first scene, this shows he is of a lower class than Harry. His facial expression when Harry walks in the toilet show he is embarrassed and confused to why Harry has continued his morning routine whilst Bug is on the toilet.
Kate - Kate enters the opening sequence by walking up the stairs, her facial expressions do not show too much enthusiasm because she has just woken up, although her dialogue indicates that she is excited and cannot wait for the night ahead of her.
Tina - Tina is sitting down throughout the first scene which shows her laid back approach to life. She has her make up all complete by the time Kate has only just started doing her hair which suits her character, also by having false eye lashes on indicates that she isn't as natural as Kate and we have taken their appearance into consideration so the contrast between both characters is clear.


We chose a date to begin our filming which was Wednesday 15th February 2012,  we went to our chosen setting and we thought that the space in which we filmed was suitable to fit our genre because where the boys were being filmed you could see that the room that Harry walked out of was blue and they were also filmed in a toilet, with the character, bug, being filmed on the toilet which shows that his lifestyle is laid back and there is no airs and graces with his mannerisms. We filmed the girls in a typical girls room with a dressing table, both looking into the mirror and doing their hair which is stereotypically what girls do. The costumes we chose for each character were chosen deliberately so that it was clear to the audience that they had just woken up and had began to get ready. We used natural lighting because we filmed our footage in the day time so therefore we did not need it to be artificial. The props were used to suit each character, the towel that Harry used was to show his cleanliness and that he was sophisticated. We chose a condom for Bug to show he is lack of maturity and that he has a mind of a young teenager still and he always thinking about one thing. For Kate we chose straighteners to show her femininity and to show she cares about her appearance.

Camera angles:

Our opening sequence began with a long shot of Harry, we used this shot to introduce one of our main characters but also to set the scene so that the audience knows where it is taking place. It then changes to a medium shot which merges into a medium long shot when he is walking towards the bathroom. There is then a high angle shot of Kate walking up the stairs. Although this shot is often used to show that a character is submissive we did not use it in that context. Kate then walks into the bedroom where Tina is sitting. There is a medium shot of her as she walks in to the room which then merges into a medium long shot as she is walking over to sit down. You are able to see the style in which she is walking, she flicks her hair and her hips are noticeable as they sway side to side showing her femininity. There is then a two shot of Harry and Bug where bug is sitting on the toilet and Harry is washing his face. We have used a two shot to show Bugs facial expressions and that he doesn't want Harry to be in the room, but Harry just carries on as normal. We did this to create comedy. There is then a two shot, which is a close up of Kate and Tina they are in the mirror doing their hair which is stereotypically what girls do in the morning we did this so you could see the contrast between the girls getting ready scene and the boys getting ready scene. There is then an over the shoulder shot of Ryan in the mirror getting ready, we used this shot of him washing to show his cleanliness and the contrast in appearance between him and Bug. There is then another over the shoulder shot of Kate and Tina over Kate's shoulder, Kate is shown more in this shot because it is her dialogue and to how the importance and the social class of the two characters. There is then a high angle shot of Bug to show he is submissive and he feels uncomfortable with Harry being in the same room as him. We also did this for comedy as his facial expressions and body language show awkwardness. The camera angles of Kate and Tina are consistent throughout the end of the scene whereas the shots between Harry and Bug vary. Further on in the sequin Bug stands up off of the toilet and there is a tilt to adapt to his height, it is a low angle shot which shows he is more powerful and is no longer feeling awkward and uncomfortable. His dialogue also indicates that he is not afraid to speak up.

Filming process:

We began our filming with the girls section of the scene. We recorded each line of the script separately to make sure we got everything correct and we found it less time consuming as it reduced mistakes although we did have to recapture some of our footage when it was not quite right. We then went on to recording Kate's entrance to the opening sequence. She walks up the stairs and into the bedroom where Tina is sitting, there is another camera angle showing her walking over to sit down, her entrance consists of three camera angles. We then went on to recording the boys section. We started with Bug (Jack Wilkes-Jones) we decided it would be easier to start with Bugs section because the comedy aspect of our Romantic Comedy comes directly from him so we knew it would be more time consuming and difficult to record and we had to make sure the right body language and facial expressions were used with no giggling involved. Finally we recorded Harrys section of the scene. With Ryan having acting experience it was much easier to record as he stayed focussed and kept in character throughout the time he was being filmed. We did not have to record his more than once.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Proof Of Editing

We used 'dip to white' transition to show a difference in setting and to show that our opening sequence of our film is beginning. At the beginning of our opening sequence we decided that we did not want our titles to already be on the video clip so the audience will not see them appearing and we feel it will be more effective if we begin the clip first and then add the titles in so that it will be visible to the audience that it pops up. We decided to add our titles in over the video clip because we feel by using a black screen it would be time consuming and more difficult to complete our film footage in the time we would have. We also feel that the colours we have chosen for our titles fit in with the genre of our film, 'Romantic Comedy' and by using the colour blue for the boys names and the colour pink for the girls names, it shows that we have taken into consideration stereotypical gender colours. We have used an ambient sound for our studio logo when the airplane flies through the clouds. We used the sound of an airplane flying to add effect and to show that we have tried to improve our logo. We also used a push transition to move our airplane to create a more realistic effect.

Friday, 17 February 2012


We decided to do a detailed storyboard so that we would be able to follow it much easier, the camera-person, Todd Horton, will have a copy of this when we are recording. By having a much more in depth storyboard we will be able to film smoothly and quickly without worrying about the shots as we will already know exactly what were doing. This has helped us a great deal and let us get on with the filming much quicker.

Monday, 13 February 2012


The titles we have created for our Romantic Comedy are relevant to our opening sequence of our film as we have used juxtaposition in the way that the colours in our titles contrast and the blue is a connotation of a boy, and the pink a girl. Significantly when the girls named appear on the screen they show up in pink and the boys show up in blue. The font we have used for our titles was chosen because it looks bubbly, not rough edged and smooth which fits with the genre of our film, Romantic Comedy as we want it to be sweet and romantic, not jagged and horrific.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Location & Setting

We have chosen to film our opening sequence in Tamworth. The places we have chosen to film will be in Todd Horton's house and Tamworth Train Station. We have chosen these settings as it suits the genre of our film and we have found suitable spaces within these areas to film.

Understanding Our Target Audience

As our genre of film is Romantic Comedy our film is certificated as a 12A. This is because stereotypically most rom-coms are 12A's and it broadens the amount of people watching therefore they'll be more income. However some 12 - 13 year olds may struggle with the concept of 'Romance' so we have made sure that the comedy aspect of our opening sequence will be suitable and not contain any expletive language. There is however some adult humour that younger viewers may not fully understand so this will still be in the 12A criteria and not a 15. We have made sure we have not been open and explicit with our comments as we have taken into consideration the range of audience we hope to achieve, there is also no nudity in our film.
Our opening sequence for our Romantic Comedy is a stereotypical British based comedy that contains a lot of sarcasm and satire that are found in many British comedies.


Our chosen idea for our film: Something For The Weekend

We have chosen to do a Romantic Comedy. This Romantic Comedy contains 4 characters, 2 main characters, and 2 major characters. Character 1, is a major character and he will be Bug, played by Jack Wilkes-Jones, we have chosen to call Jack, Bug, because he is a clingy character and when an insect flies around you, it tends to keep on coming back as many times as you try and make it go away. Character 2 is a main character and he will be called, Harry, played by Ryan O'Leary. We have chosen Harry as the name because it sounds more sophisticated and upper class, it also has a connotation with Prince Harry. Character 3 is a major character and she will be called Tina, played by Charlie Brookes. We have named her character Tina because it is a stereotypical common girls name showing she is lower in class. Character 4 is a main character and she will be called Kate, played by Jasmine Hammond. We have named her character Kate as it shows her higher class and sophistacation and it also has a connotation with Kate Middleton married to Prince William.
Our opening of our film will begin with the girls getting ready for a night out and the boys getting ready for a night out, in different houses and they have not seen each other for years. It will be a split screen of the characters getting ready and for the boys the titles will show up in blue, showing a connotation of a stereotypical boy colour, and for the girls it will show up in pink. There will be music playing on the radio and by having a shot one of the characters turning on the radio and then turning it off, the music will become diegetic, as the characters in the scene will be able to hear it. After leaving the houses, they all travel to Tamworth, Bug forgets his money which annoys Harry so they end up having an argument and Ryan ends up paying for him.  The boys will be together and so will the girls. They bump into each other at the train station and realise they know each other from school. Significantly Harry and Kate always had a crush on each other in school and Bug and Tina have always hated each other. Harry and Kate think it will be a great idea to all go out together and spend the night together, whereas Bug and Tina do not want to do this as they thought when they had left school they had finally got rid of each other. Tina has a word with Kate and Bug has a word with Harry. Both of them end up convincing Bug and Tina to go and they walk off together into the distance and there is a voice over of Bugs voice, he says, "Im not buying any drinks!" Harry responds "you haven't bought your wallet anyway  you sloth!" there is then a split screen of Bug and Sid the sloth off the ice age looking at each other, and that is the end of our opening sequence of 'Something For The Weekend.'


Jack Wilkes-Jones: Jack will play 'Bug' in our film, we have chosen Jack to play our role as the character that we are aiming for has many similar characteristics to Jack. We think that he has the ability to create comedy in our Rom-Com. Jack will need to wear casual/scruffy clothes.

Ryan O'Leary: Ryan will play 'Harry' in our film, we have chosen Ryan to play this role as the character that we are aiming towards has many similar characteristics and also we think Ryan has the ability to play this part. We think as well as creating some amount of comedy Ryan will be able to play a serious character in the aspect of Romance. He is also sophisticated and will suit our genre, Romantic Comedy. His costume will have to be something a bit higher in class, and not scruffy, e.g a smart shirt.

Jasmine Hammond: Jasmine will play 'Kate' who is 'Harry's' love interest in our  film, we have chosen Jasmine to play this role as she suits the character we are aiming towards. We believe she is able to be serious and play a romantic character and also has the ability to look sophisticated and talented. She has a good profession and will suit the genre, Romantic Comedy. Her costume will have to be something that doesn't expose too much skin and looks sophisticated. Casual wear etc...

Charlie Brookes: Charlie will play the major character 'Tina', like 'Bug'. She is 'Kate's' best friend, who hates 'Bug'. We have chosen Charlie for this role because we think she will add to the comedy of our film and we think she will be able to act well and stay in character whilst filming. She won't have a good career, like 'Bug'. Charlies costume will have to be something that exposes enough skin to bring out the character we are aiming for, for example, short skirt, low cut top.


This is our draft of our script for our film.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Character Roles

This is Jack, he is 19 years old and he is male, his occupation is a junior bin man, which suits his scruffy appearance, he is our major character, he plays Ryan's best friend, he is a clingy eccentric and somewhat weird character who annoys Ryan almost every day.

This is Ryan, he is 19 years old and he is male, he is a university student, studying law, this suits his sophisticated appearance, he aspires to have a good career in law, which Jack, his clingy best friend is not making easy for him as he will not leave him alone.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Role Allocation

We have chosen each role by thinking which best suits our abilities.

Ryan: Actor, Director, Script writer
Todd:  Editor and Camera man
Jasmine: Actor and Producer

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Film Ideas

For our opening sequence of a film, my group chose to do the genre, Romantic Comedy.

1. For our first idea we chose two boys, aiming to go on a holiday away by the sea, but one of the boys, jack, lost the money that he was supposed to use to take Ryan to the seaside, so when they were on the train ready to go and Ryan was in his beach wear, Jack broke it to him that they were going to Tamworth, in the middle of England, no where near the sea, when they arrive in Tamworth Ryan is very angry with Jack and goes to get changed, they bump into two girls they knew from school, Ryan has always had a crush on one of them, and Jack despises the other. They decide to go for a coffee and Jack (the idiot friend) says he knows somewhere nice, they end up in an old shabby coffee shop after passing many other nice ones such as costa and starbucks, the two people (Jack and one of the girls) that despise each other end up arguing and keep making nasty remarks at each other whereas Ryan doesn't want to leave the girl he has always truly loved.

Our second idea was still including the same characters as originally planned, we still kept Ryans clingy friend Jack but this time Ryan was trying several times to go on some sort of date with a girl he liked, although every time he failed due to his idiot friend. Jack always asked to come with Ryan and as many times as Ryan said no, Jack still managed to turn up in one way or another, such as, Ryan was on a meal with the girl, and Jack took their food off the waiter and served them instead. He popped up from several tables and annoyed Ryan's date to the point where she walked out and will never give him another chance unless Jack moves away.

Our third and final idea was still containing our original characters as we think they really suit the roles that we want them to play. This time we combined both ideas but added a few different ideas. This time we decided that the boys will get off a train for a night out, instead of a weekend away, and have an argument over clingy Jack forgetting his money. They bump into two girls from school and one of the girls Ryan has always had a crush on and she has always liked him, and the other one Jack has always hated and she also hates him. Ryan and his crush decide it would be good to join up and go out together, and understandably Jack and his enemy disagree. After completing all of this action we timed it and so far everything we want to include comes to two minutes.

Monday, 23 January 2012


- Two girls, two boys.
- One of the girls and one of the boys have good careers to suit with the Romantic Comedy theme and have always had a crush on each other.
- The other boy and the other girls have bad jobs, don't have any qualifications and hate each other.
- We believe the comedy aspect of our Romantic Comedy will come through the major characters rather than the main characters as their hatred for each other will create comedy for the audience.
- Holiday/weekend away/hotel
- Meal/restaurant
- Nightclub
- Coffee shop
- The characters new each other from school
- Train (difficulty to film?)
- Costumes;
Ryan: Holiday dress?
Jack: Casual/dirty/unsophisticated clothing
Girl 1: Casual sophisticated/Pretty
Girl 2: Revealing, unsophisticated clothing

U.K Film Institute Analysis Of Genres

There are three genres that we are primarily studying the thriller, the horror and the rom-com. I will be analysing the data on the U.K film institute website into the success of these genres.
Horror has the most number of releases in this country with 31 compared to thriller’s 20 and romantic’s 19. However just because horror has the most releases it does not mean it has made the most money at the box office, in fact the romantic genre has made the most at the box office with £58.4 million.
This is the main reason in us choosing our genre: Romantic-Comedy as combine the two favourite genres people like to watch and you get a lot of box office revenue.
Also with the facilities and budget we have, we feel that we will not be able to create a convincing horror and thriller due to the lack of special effects and goriness.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Questionnaire Review

In the first question of our questionnaire we asked ‘What is your favourite Romantic Comedy of all of time?’ We discovered that the majority of our audience answered with the movie ‘About a boy’ we suspect this is because it is a stereotypical, British, Romantic Comedy, featuring Hugh Grant which brings us nicely on to our second question.

 We then asked our audience, ‘In a Romantic Comedy you have seen, who is the best male character/actor?’ The majority of our audience answered with Hugh Grant, we suspect this is because he is in many Romantic Comedies and has a lot of experience in being the stereotypical male lead. He is also good looking, charming and funny; his British accent captures American audience because they notice the difference and find it appealing.
We then asked our audience, ‘In a Romantic Comedy you have seen who is the best female character?’ The majority of our audience answered, Cameron Diaz, we suspect the reason for this is because she is a stereotypical, good looking actress and her American accent attracts people to watch, also her blonde hair is an obvious attraction for a majority of people, especially men.

 In our fourth question we asked our audience ‘Ideally what certificate should a Romantic Comedy be?’ 60% of our audience think that the certificate should be a 12; we think this may be to attract a wider audience, therefore more people will be able to watch it therefore increasing the potential profits made.
 In question five we asked our audience, ‘What colours would you associate with a title sequence of a Romantic Comedy and why?’ Pink, white and red were the colours that people related to the most in this question, possibly because they are all related to love/romance. Also white is a connotation of innocence which suggests that the film is pure and nothing scary will happen whereas red and pink congers up love and passion.
 In our sixth question we asked our audience, ‘What music would be most effective in a Romantic Comedy?’ A huge majority of our audience answered with ‘A happy, upbeat song!’ which is possibly because Romantic Comedies are stereotypically a jolly/enjoyable genre to watch and the music suits well with what happens. Also it shows that the couple that fall in love in the film are happy together and nothing is going to go wrong.
  We then asked our audience ‘What would be the best setting for a Romantic Comedy?’ For this question the majority of our audience answered with ‘In a big city’ we suspect this may be because previous Romantic Comedies have been set in cities and it is a stereotypical place to fall in love. It is also very romantic to be in, London, Paris, New York with your boyfriend/girlfriend.

  For our eighth question we asked our audience, ‘How influential should the supporting actors/actresses be?’ 70% of our audience answered with, ‘very!’ we think this may be because in a Romantic Comedy, supporting actors often add to the comedy side to the film, for e.g. the male lead often has a best friend who leads him astray making it funny attracting more people to watch it like in Notting Hill.
 For our ninth question we asked our audience, ‘What is more important in a Romantic Comedy, the comedy side to it or the love story?’ 70% of our audience answered with ‘Comedy!’ we suspect this is because people like to enjoy and laugh whilst watching a film as many romances that are not Romantic Comedy tend to be the complete opposite, e.g. ‘Titanic’.
  For our tenth question we asked our audience, ‘What is the stereotypical look of the two main characters in a Romantic Comedy?’ The majority of our audience answered by saying, ‘They should both be good looking’, we think this may be because in previous Romantic Comedies many of the leading roles have been good looking, successful and have been in a good career. We suspect that the reason for the majority of our audience choosing ‘good looking’ is because many people stereotype two people in love to be good looking and happy. People tend not to be influenced by two people who are not as attractive and interesting.
After giving our questionnaires to a majority of people we are still sticking to our original idea of creating a Romantic Comedy. Many of the answers we have been given have gave us ideas and have influenced us more to create our film. We have a good idea of the characters we are looking for and the story line we would like to achieve is quite clear after reading what many people like to see in a Romantic Comedy.


Romantic comedy films (abbreviated as rom coms or romcoms) are films with light-hearted, humorous plotlines, centered on romantic ideals...

1.     What’s your favourite rom-com of all time?

2.     In a rom-com you’ve seen who’s the best male character

3.     In  a rom-com you’ve seen who’s the best female character
4.     Ideally what certificate should a rom-com be?

5.     What colours would you associate with a title sequence of a rom-com and why?
6.     What music would be most effective in a rom-com

7.       What would be the best setting for a rom-com?
8.     How influential should the supporting actors be?

9.     What is more important in a rom-com the comedy side or the love story?
10.  What’s the stereotypical look of the two main characters in a rom-com? 